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(Courtesy of Debi Dunsworth Hall)
Norman, OK
Class of 1969
The Class of 1969
Some still speak fondly of this class, acknowledging the special group of individuals and groups that grew-up together is a place that was changing. We challenged the "old ways" and experimented with the "new ways" together with memories, seemingly, that still are as alive as the day they happened.
We funneled through the elementary schools named after presidents, into two rivals (but not really) West and Central Jr. High. Listening to the Beatles, we happily greeted new friends along the way and were excited to be joined together with University High when they arrived at NHS and sadly said good-bye to others.
We seemed to be remarkable at sports, band, chorus, speech, vocational programs and agriculture .did I hear MATH? I am not sure about math .but more remarkable were the people, the teachers, the friends, the coaches the perfect blend of instruction and friendship in an intimate community supportive of both.
Following the 50's and 60's, our safe community was shaken with talks of nuclear war, the death of a president and a war without reason but reveled with a rally on the moon. We asked the tough questions without answers and drew a course for the future. I speak for our fallen Tigers who had to face some harsh realities. They are missed but still vividly alive in our warm memories.
Come join our chat room and relive the moments we remember, laugh at those we would like to forget and please come to our 4oth reunion We are hoping for a great turnout.
Donna Haynes Thompson
President, Class of 1969
Please donate to help keep this web site up and running.
Thank you to those of you that have donated. I appreciate it.
John Coley
Many photos and other things were lost when the website was shut down so if you see a spot where you might have a photo please don't hesitate to send them to me at
We need more photos to put on the website. Elementary photos, junior high and high school, after graduation photos. Please, please send me information on any classmate who has passed away and is not on the memorial page along with an obituary if possible. Thank you!
John Coley
I would like to express a huge Thank You to Nolita Stewart Morgan
from the Class of 1986 for all her help with setting up this site. Without her, I would have gone crazy. Peggy
I would like to express my deepest appreciation to Rhonda Hooper Gray for all her endless help
in going to the library and genealogy society and doing the research to help find people and obtaining the teacher
information that has been put on this site. Without her, this site wouldn't be what it is now.
Thank you Rhonda, from the bottom of my heart.
Rhonda has been a great help to me also, She is an absolute sleuth when it comes to digging up information. Thanks, John
A word of appreciation must be offered to Peggy Clark Smith for all the work she did for this class and this website. She was a great friend of mine when she and her family moved onto my block in the eighth grade. Got to know her and her family quite well and Peggy and I got along famously even though I was a Central Cub and she was a West Wild Cat. Many of you knew her even longer than I did. It was my honor along with Rhonda Hooper Gray to assist Peggy with information for this website. It is also my great honor to continue this site after her passing. As with Peggy, I can't do this alone. I have Rhonda but I need imput from all of you to make this worthy of Peggy's creation of this site. We are all richer having had Peggy in our lives. John Coley
Very special thanks to my son Joshua who pieced together all the information in this website from the downloaded archives and gave me much needed instructions to bring it back. The NHS class of 1969 thanks you as do I. John Coley
This page was updated: Saturday, 23-Apr-2022 19:21:31 CDT
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