The Norman Transcript February 25, 1986
Ruth Collier McSpadden. 64, Bella Vista, Ark., died Sunday in Concordia
Care Center in Bella Vista. Service will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the
Callison-Lough Funeral Home Chapel in Bentonville, Ark., with Dr. Leroy
Sewell officiating. Burial will be in the Resthaven Memory Gardens in
Oklahoma City at 2 p.m. Thursday.
Born Oct. 22, 1921 in Barnsdall to Homer and Carrier Collier McSpadden,
Ms. McSpadden was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Norman.
She was also a member of Alpha Lambda Delta, Mortar Board, Chapter EQ
of PEO, and a ranking Phi Beta Kappa.
A graduate of the University of Oklahoma, Ms. McSpadden taught at the
university, at Norman High School and at Holland Hall in Tulsa. She was
Norman Teacher of the Year in 1966 and Handicapped Oklahoman of the
Year in 1967. She retired in 1970 and moved to Bella Vista, Ark., in November
of 1974.
Among her survivors are her mother, Mrs. H.O. McSpadden of Bella Vista;
a brother, Homer C. McSpadden of Kerrville, Texas; two neices. Jo Ruth
Miller of Essex Junction, Vt., and Diane Krough of Omaha, Neb; and three
Memorial donations may be made to the Concordia Health Center in Bell
Vista, Ark.