The Norman Transcript April 2, 1997
Esther Lillian Moss Barron, 91, died Tuesday April 1, in Edmond.
No services are planned. Arrangements are under the direction of
Guardian Funeral Home in Oklahoma City.
She was born Aug. 29, 1905, in Bellingham, Wash., to Madison
Monroe Moss and Agnes L. Bassett Moss. She attended the University
of Minnesota, and received a B.S. and B.F.A. degress from Phillips
University in Enid. She taught in Enid, Hooker, Chandler and Norman.
She served as an assistant to the pastor at McFarlin Memorial United
Methodist Church in Norman, and as educational director of the First
Christian Church in Tulsa. She was admissions counselor for William
Woods College, Futon, Mo. She was a member of the Oklahoma Education
Association, National Education Association, Cleveland County Historical
Society, Old Regime Study Club of Norman, Salvation Army Women's
Auuxiliary and the Reviewers Club of Norman. She was a member of the
Chandler Christian Church.
She is survived by a son, Moss Lee Barron Sr: nine grandchildren,
five great-grandchildren: and a sister, Mrs. Eldon C. Sargeant of Burnet,