Michael "Mike"Spake

November 14, 1950 - April 24, 2012

Man dies after house fire rescue

By Joel Pruett The Norman Transcript

The Norman Transcript Wed Apr 25, 2012, 01:54 AM CDT

NORMAN � A Norman man has died two days after firefighters pulled him from his blazing home.

Michael Spake, 61, of 229 S. Mercedes Dr., was transported to Norman Regional Hospital late Sunday night. He was rescued from the flames shortly after 10 p.m.

Spake remained in critical condition at Norman Regional Hospital through Monday night. Hospital spokeswoman Kelly Wells said Spake died about noon Tuesday.

Norman Deputy Fire Chief Jim Bailey said Spake was not in good health even before suffering critical burns.

�They didn�t expect him to live even a week before that fire,� Bailey said, explaining that Spake had been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

The fire also inflicted significant damages to the home, rendering it uninhabitable, Bailey said.

Fire department officials estimate that the structure suffered about $90,000 in damage, and damaged contents were valued at an estimated $40,000.

Fire marshals suspect the fire was accidental, though the investigation continues.

The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner has possession of the body. Officials at that state office could not be reached for comment.

Sharing Memories of Mike Spake
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I am so sorry to hear this. I remember Mike from 6th grade. He was in Mr. Sullivan's class, I think. There were about 3-4 6th grade classes on the north end of West Jr. Hi building. My teacher was Mrs. Dow. I remember he always had a big smile.

May he rest in Peace.

~Brenda Dyer Schlosser~

Mike Spake was the lead singer in my first rock band at 14. Rock on in heaven, Mike!

~Mike Hardwick~



NHS 1969 Honorary Members

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Mike Spake

Mike Spake



Sharing Memories of Mike Spake
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NHS 1969 Honorary Members

Frames made by: Whispering Owl Designs

This page was updated: Monday, 09-Jun-2014 17:59:00 CDT

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