The Norman Transcript June 18, 1988
Services for Shirley Anne Daugherty, who died Friday after an entended
illness, will be held at 10 a.m. Monday at McFarlin United Methodist
She was born Oct. 25, 1922 in Purcell, the daughter of Jason Edward and
Pearl (Barefoot) Daugherty, members of pioneer families of the Indian
Territory. She was preceded in death by her parents, her sisters Antionette
D. Huff, Helen D. Wainright and Lucille D. Gingerich, and by brothers John,
Marvin and Edward Daugherty.
Survivors include sisters Laura D. Murchison of Colorado Springs, Colo.,
Susan D. Navarro of Abilene, Texas and Vivian Daugherty of Norman;
sisters-in-law Harwell (Mrs. John) Daugherty of Holdenville, Lois (Mrs.
Marvin) Daugherty of Ruidoso, New Mexico; and borthers-in-law, ME
Navarro of Abilene, Texas, C.R. Wainright of Tulsa.
She was a graduate of the University of Oklahoma with a B.S. degree
in education and a master's degree in education. She was listed in the
1961-62 edition of Who's Who in American Education.
She was a member of the OEA and NEA, Daughters of the American
Revolution, Daughters of the Republic of Texas, Order of the Eastern
Star, American Legion Auxiliary and OU Dames.